Monthly Archives: December 2012

Homework for December 14

How does it look?

Next week we will be discussing your final printed products. Everyone should coordinate with their group to get a look at the project before class on Friday. You should all have a good understanding of any issues or problems before class. Again, the format of next week’s class will be similar to this week, so bring your printed project and be ready to talk about it.

To prepare for this discussion, write the equivalent of one typed page and post it to the class website. Some of the things that you might think about include: How does it feel to see the finished product? Is it everything that you expected it to be? Do any aspects of the object fall short of your expectations? How bright is the white of the paper? How brilliant are the colors of the ink? How do they compare to the colors on your screen?

How does it feel to hold this thing? How does the texture of the paper, it’s weight, it’s thickness, effect your viewing experience? Does the way that you navigate through the pages, or the way that you view the work, change when you are holding it in your hands? Do you feel like this object you are holding is essentially something different than the file you’ve been working on?

If you think back to the first day of class, and our first reading, do you have any new thoughts on the question “What is a book?”

As I said in class today, you will be responsible for giving me a digital file of your final project. If you would like to bring the PDF to class next week, that is great. If one member of your group can email it to me before then, that would be even better. Or if the file is too large to email, is a great service for sending large files.

See you next week!