Monthly Archives: October 2012

Homework for November 2

As your projects begin to take shape, you will want to make sure that it is actually possible to execute your plans with a reasonable budget. You will also want to cross reference several sources to make sure you are getting the best possible value.

For next week, investigate the pros and cons of different printing facilities. Choose one printer from one of the lists posted on our website, or find a more appropriate facility for your specific project. Provide the following information from your chosen companies website (or from a quote if necessary):

Cover type:
Type of press it will be printed on:
Number of colors:
Paper finish:
Paper weight:
Paper brightness:
Color profile:
Set up costs:
Proof costs:
Minimum quantity:
Total cost:
Cost per unit:

Post your responses to the website, as per usual. Also, this is an individual assignment but it might be helpful for your group to look into several different options, so plan accordingly!

Homework for October 26

In addition to any tasks that your group agrees on for next week, there is a written assignment to be posted on the blog:

Select one printed item that you find particularly interesting or exciting. Take a very close look at the printing, paper, binding, and finishing used to create this item, and try to determine as many characteristics and qualities as possible. What sort of binding is used? Can you determine the size of the forms and signatures? Can you tell how it was folded and cut? What sort of papers were used? Can you determine the weight, thickness, or brightness of the paper? Look up some specifications and see you if you can estimate some real numbers.

It can be very helpful to pick an object that might serve as inspiration for your group project, but if you have been focused on one or two reference points try to branch out.

Write the equivalent of one page, and also please bring the object that you discussed to class next week. If you do not own the object, or cannot transport it, take a few pictures or find some images online.

Homework for October 12 – Project Brief

This is your most important assignment so far. We are wrapping up the proposal and planning stage, and getting ready to commit to the teams that we will be working with for the rest of the semester.

To wrap this phase up, you will submit a final Brief that clearly articulates your idea. Please respond to the items below in short sentences or simple one word answers. Address each point, and address it exactly. For example, dimensions should not be “the typical size of paperback.” They should 5.5″ x 8.5″. (Even if you are a little uncertain, state something definitively.

Instead of posting this assignment, you will email a copy to me and bring a hard copy to class next week.

Here are the points for you to address:



Overall Style:



Visual References: (It might be a good idea to include images instead of text for this point.)


Page Count:


Print Run:

Proof Run:

Printing Facilities:


October 19:
October 26:
November 2:
November 9:
November 16:
(No Class November 23)
November 30:
December 7: Present Final Projects
December 14: Present Final Projects

Additional Notes: