Homework for November 30

Keep going!!! (And start proofing)

The only assignment for our next class is to continue to work on your final project. But, once again, I expect that to be a lot of work.

I am hoping to see some phenomenal work from everyone, and that is going to require some serious time and energy over the next couple of weeks. The pressing issues are probably slightly different for each group, but there are some things that everyone can do.

It is probably a very good idea to get together with your group at least once before class on November 30. You should make every effort possible to do this in person, but at very least keep in touch with everyone via gchat, Skype, FaceTime, or whatever else kids these days are using.

And start proofing your work. Using an inkjet printer to match colors is ideal (especially with the correct ICC profile). If that is not possible, use a laser printer to run off some tests for proof-reading. Again, it will be best for the group to get together so everyone can inspect the hard copies.

You do not have to run page proofs for the entire book, but bring hard copies of at least a few pages and/or spreads to class on November 30.

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